Friday, November 25, 2011

Shame on you Coke!

Coke's arctic campaign is a sham. They make you buy multi-pack bottles or cans and make note of some stupid code printed on an obscure part of the packaging to match just 1$. Shame on you coke!

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Why buying a BMW is irresponsible and selfish?

I love the beauty and power of the BMW. But, I have never been able to justify owning one myself and here's why:
  1. It is a gas guzzler that is harmful to the climate and to all the societies that are exploited for energy.
  2. It is expensive. Buying one diverts valuable funds from the hundreds and thousands of charitable causes around the globe.
  3. Its powerful engine is wasted driving within the paltry speed limits of most roads and highways. A fuel efficient, inexpensive Honda or Toyota is good enough.
Oh, well. Selfishness is core to human nature. I'll just continue cursing every time I see a BMW owner.

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Yahoo's amazing audio player

Yahoo has an amazing audio player that can be embedded into your website to support the playback of audio files linked on your site. This is an amazingly simple way to embed MP3 songs on your site without having to deal with any of your own javascript mess.

Click on the link or play button below to see the player in action:
SPB - Keladi Kanmani - Mannil Indha (Courtesy:

Thank you, Yahoo!


Sunday, January 02, 2011

Eclipse Maven site issues

Following up on my previous posts about Maven, Eclipse on Tomcat, I ran into a a very interesting problem that I wanted to share with you so that you don't waste time like I did.

Running 'mvn site' from Eclipse does not generate reports


As I was getting ready to release my Maven project in Eclipse, I wanted to generate a project site with FAQs, javadoc and junit reports. So, I decided to use the standard 'mvn site' command.

I edited my pom following the instructions at and

With my pom edited, I ran the mvn site command from Eclipse. The site was generated but it had no reports and no javadoc. I had no idea why this was and searched all over the Maven forums and Google but, had no luck.

I then decided to fall back to the reliable command-line and presto, the site generated with all the reports and javadoc. I came to the sudden realization that Maven may not have been configured properly in Eclipse.

Root Cause

I found that my Eclipse Maven installation was using the default embedded version of Maven which was at 3.0. And, the changes I had made in my pom were intended for Maven 2.2. Due to incompatibility issues, my Eclipse Maven was ignoring the reporting tags in my pom.


The solution was straighforward. I just had to go to Workbench -> Preferences -> Maven -> Installations and add the path to Maven 2.2 installed on my filesystem.

I hope the above information is helpful to you and saves you some time.
